Friday, January 14, 2011

Choose not to do it!

My husband has an interesting perspective for items on his "to do" list that he is not getting to. If there's an activity that's onerous, hard, expensive, or just a " don't want to", he always asks himself this question. "Does it need to be done?" I am amazed at how often the answer is "no". When that's the case, it's simply checked off, and no action takes place. For example, we were dreading having to go to the "meet the teacher" night. The teachers can only meet for 5 minutes, the waits are long, and we had nothing we wanted to discuss. But we had always done it, and it seemed like the right thing to do. After a short discussion, my husband and I decided to stay home. I breathed a sigh of relief, and we relaxed that night with a little coffee! I know you can't always avoid things you don't like. So, here's the pecking order. 1) Does it need to be done? 2) If yes, can I get someone else to do it? Tomorrow, I will talk about an item that needed to be done that I got someone else to do.

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